xMin =
xMax =
yMin =
yMax =
First Function f(x) =
Second Function f(x) =
Suggestions for Using the
Practice Equations
All viewers will join the National Curve Bank - A MATH Archive in thanking Harumi Monroy of CS 491, for developing this interactive JAVA material. Suggestions for a variety of curves to practice on Function Grapher are above. In addition, the NCB suggests trying examples from your homework in Harumi's interactive graph. This is often helpful. Rational functions with vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes are especially fun. Classroom Instructors Note: If there is a CS Department on your campus, most likely a colleague is teaching JAVA programming. JAVA software will already be enabled on your campus server. If a particular classroom has a computer connected to the campus server, then this grapher and web site will be readily available to illustrate chalkboard instruction. |