From prism to cylinder to hoof .... followed by slices of similar triangles.
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Copyright Notice: The animations and all images within are under copyright by Cye Waldman and may not be copied, electronically or otherise, without his express permission.
Dr. Cye Waldman,
This web site accompanies the following journal publication:
Gray, Shirley B., Daniel Ye Ding, Gustavo Gordillo, Samuel Landsberger and Cye Waldman; "The Method of Aarchimedes: Propositions 13 and 14," Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 62 (October, 2015).
J. L. Heiberg, Eine Neue Archimedeshandschrift, Hermes, Volume 42, 1907, pp. 235-303.
J. L. Heiberg and H. G. Zeuthen, Eine Neuve Schrift des Archimedes, Verlag von B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1907, pp. 321-363.
Thomas L. Heath, The Method of Archimedes: Recently Discovered by Heiberg, Cambridge, 1912.