Cye Waldman has found a plane curve,
previously unknown to the NCB, that renders
a credible heart shape and spiral. We
present this to the mathematics community
for comment. The "heart" is defined by
a polar equation and is also shown in the
complex form. At the NCB we have dubbed this
as "Cœur d'Cye" or "Waldman's Heart." We
solicit your comments.

The angular range was selected to
position the cusp of the heart at the
origin. The figure below shows the
heart. |

The arc length, area and centroid of
this heart can be found analytically. To

In order to
turn this into a spiral, consider |

The animations
below show that the heart is imperfect as the
spiral begins, but approaches the desired
shape after a few turns. |
The figure below shows
the application of the heart model in a
three-dimensional rendering.
Naturally, we
were curious as to the effect of switching the
sine and cosine in the above equation.
To that end, let

The result is a
leaf-shaped figure that is
shown in the
animation on the right where it is
overlaid on the heart for
comparison. Also note the
difference in the angular range.

The equations
for the leaf are given as follows: |
Notice the
leaf's area is just one-eighth of
the heart. |