AMS-MAA Meeting, Baltimore, MD
January, 2003

2003 NSF Poster Session - Baltimore
Demos with positive impact.
Dave Hill, Temple University
Lila F. Roberts, Georgia Southern University
The Probability/Statistics Object Library
Kyle Siegrist, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Data, Probability, Statistics and Risk
James J. Madden, Louisiana State University & Agricultural and Mechanical College
Not Your Usual Liberal Arts Math Course: Electronic Curricula Materials About Fractals for Students Who Never Liked and Never Did Well in Math.
Larry Liebovitch, Florida Atlantic University
Implementation of Web Work Delivering Internet-Based Homework in College Algebra Courses
Coreen Mett, Radford University
Establishing the National Curve Bank
Shirley B. Gray,
Stewart Venit, California State University, Los Angeles
Collaborative Research: Adaptation and Implementation of Activity and Web-Based Materials into Post-Calculus Introductory Probability and Statistics Courses.
Leigh Lunsford, Athens State University
Ginger Holmes Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University
Angel E. Long, Middle Tennessee State University
Tracy Goodson-Espy, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Knot theory for Preservice and Practicing Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Neil Portnoy,
Thomas Mattman, California State University, Chico
Technical Mathematics for Tomorrow: Recommendations and Exemplary Programs
Mary Ann Hovis, Rhodes State College
Robert Kimball, Wake Technical Community College
John Peterson, Retired
Making Mathematics Meaningful Through Workplace Research
Jesse Williford, Wake Technical Community College
Robert Kimball, Wake Technical Community College
The PascGalois Project: Visualizing Abstract Algebra
Michael Bardzell
Kathleen Shannon, Salisbury University
Bridging the Vector Calculus Gap
Tevian Dray,
Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University
Making Mathematical Connections in Programs for Prospective Teachers
Karen J. Graham, University of New Hampshire
Neil Portnoy, California State University, Chico
Todd Grunemeier, University of New Hampshire
Pathways through Algebra
Terrie Teagardern, San Diego Mesa College
Wade Ellis, West Valley College
Wei-Jen Harrison, American River College
Combinatorics by Guided Discovery: Summer Workshop for Dissemination
Kenneth P. Bogart