AMS-MAA Meeting, Baltimore, MD
January, 2014

National Curve Bank: A Hub for STEM Partnerships.
Mary Kay Abbey, NCB Advisory Board and Montgomery College, Takoma Park, MD.
Mathematical ACES: Algebraic Concepts for Elementary Students.
Davida Fischman, Shawn McMurran, Joseph Jesunathadas,
California State Univesity, San Bernardino
Karla Wells and Carol Cronk, Ontario Montclair Sch. District
WeBWork: Improving Student Success in Mathematics.
Arnold Pizer, Mike Gage, Vicki Roth, University of Rochester
Jason Aubrey, University of Arizona and John Travis, Mississippi College
Paradigms in Physics: Interactive Electromagnetism Curricular Materials.
Tevian Dray, Corinne Manogue, Emily van Zee, David Roundy and Eric Weber, Oregon State University
Native American-based Mathematics Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Courses.
Charles Funkhouser, Harriet C. Edwards, California State University, Fullerton
Miles Pfahl, Turtle Mountain Community College
Tree and Graph Structures in the Java Programming Language.
Joan M. Lucs and Rebecca Smith, The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Transforming Linear Algebra Education with GeoGebra Applets.
James Factor and Susan Pustejovsky, Alverno College
Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning Assessment (QLRA) Project.
Eric Gaze, Bowdoin College; Linda Misener, Southern Maine Community College
Semra Kilic-Bahi, Colby Sawyer College; Aaron Montgomery, Central Washington University
Corri Taylor, Wellesley College and Deann Leoni, Edmonds Community College
Transforming Linear Algebra Education with GeoGebra Applets.
James Factor and Susan Pustejovsky,Alverno College
Math in the City.
Joe Geisbauer, Petronela Radu and Stephen Hartke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mathematics and Social Advocacy.
Sandra Kingan and Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Lurch, Educational Software for Writing Proofs.
Kenneth Monks, University of Scranton; Nathan Carter, Bentley University
Talented Teachers in Training for Texas.
Keith Hubbard, Lesa Beverly, Karen Embry Jenlink and Dennis Gravatt
Stephen F. Austin State University
Graph Theory and Social Networks - It's Hard to Hide, Even in a Crowd.
Joan Lucas and Rebecca Smith, The College at Brockport State Univesity of New York
Using Research to Shape Instruction and Placement in Algebra and Precalculus.
Bernard L. Madison, University of Arkansas; Linda Braddy, MAA;
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University; Marilyn Carlson, Arizona State University
Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus.
Philip B. Yasskin and Matthew J. Barry, Texas A. & M. University
Douglas B. Meade, University of South Carolina
Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus.
Douglas B. Meade and Raymond E. Patenaude, University of South Carolina
Philip B. Yasskin, Texas A. & M. University
STEM Real World Applications of Mathematics.
Darren A. Narayan, Rochester Institute of Technology; Joy Lind, University of Sioux Falls
The Alfred University Calculus Initiative.
Joseph Petrillo, Darwyn Cook and Addison Frey, Alfred University
Dynamic Visualization Tools for Multivariable Calculus.
Paul Seeburger, Monroe Community College; Monica VanDieren, Robert Morris University
Research Based Videos for Developing Mathematical Thinking Skills in Proof Writing and Problem Solving.
Kay Somers, Moravian College; Jim Sandefur, Georgetown University; Connie Campbell, Millsaps College
Discovery Learning Projects in Introductory Statistics.
Dianna Spence, Brad Bailey, University of North Georgia
Maplets for Calculus (M4C) - New Developments.
Philip Yasskin, Matthew J. Barry, Logan N. Collins, Texas A. & M. University
Douglas B. Meade, University of South Carolina
Supporting Pedagogical Innovation for a Generation of Transformation via Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics (SPIGOT).
Stan Yoshinobu, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Carol Schumacher, Kenyon College; Matthew Jones, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Sandra L. Laursen, University of Colorado
Nebraska Math.
Jim Lewis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
PREP: MAA's Professional Development Program.
Nancy Hastings, Dickinson College; Barbara Edwards, Oregon State University
Nathaniel Dean, Texas State University San Marcos; Virginia Buchanan, Hiram College
Mike Brilleslyper, US Air Force Academy, Linda Braddy, MAA
Jenna Carpenter, Louisiana Tech University; Jon Scott, Montgomery College
Emphasizing Core Calculus Concepts Using Biomedical Applications to Engage Mentor and Retain STEM Students.
Marilyn Reba, Taufiquar Khan, Irina Viktorova, Ellen Breazel and John DesJardins, Clemson University
2014 Newcomers
Collaborative Research: Updating the WeBWork National Problem Libraryq.
Jeff Holt, University of Virginia; John Jones, Arizona State University
Colorado Momentum: Oral Assessment in the Mathematical Sciences Classroom.
Mary Nelson, Harvey Segur and Anne Dougherty, University of Colorado, Boulder
Undergraduate Mathematical Biology Research at Marshall University.
Anna Mummert, Marshall University
Collaborative Research on the Arthopod Way of Life (CRAWL): Interdisciplinary Training in Mathematical Biology.
Michele L. Joyner, Darrell Moore, Thomas C. Jones, Karl Joplin and Edith Seier, East Tennessee State University
Learning Mathematics Through Teaching.
Karen Graham, Sharon Soucy McCrone, Neil Portnoy and May Chaar, University of New Hampshire
Tim Fukawa-Connelly, Drexel University
Brian Gleason, Nevada State University, Las Vegas
Developing an Innovative Randomization-Based Introductory Statistics Curriculum.
Todd Swanson and Jill VanderStoep, Hope College
Nathan Tintle, Dordt College; George Cobb, Mount Holyoke College
Allan Rossman, Beth Chance and Soma Roy, California State University, San Luis Obispo
Kent State University Noyce Scholars Program.
Joanne Caniglia, Lisa Donnelly, James Gleeson, Andrew Tonge and John Stalvey, Kent State University
An NSF MSP - Its Genesis, Goals Activities, and Outcome.
Amy Cohen, Rutgers University
Cecilia Aria, Lynda Ginsburg, and Jennifer V. Jones, Rutgers Center for Math, Science, and Computer Education
Characteristics of Successful Programs in College Calculus.
David Bressoud, Macalester College; Chris Rasmussen, San Diego State University
Vilma Mesa, University of Michigan; Linda Braddy, MAA
UCI Mathematical and Computational Bioloby for Undergraduates (MCBU).
Frederic Y. Wan, Sarah Eichhorn, German Enciso, John S. Lowengrub and J. Lawrence Marsh,
University of California, Irvine
Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Undergraduate Mathemaatics: A Working Conference.
Robin Gottlieb, Harvard University; Natasha Speer, University of Maine
Jack Bookman and Sarah Scholl, Duke University
Quantitative Literacy and Reasoning Assessment.
Eric Gaze, Bowdoin College; Linda Misener, Southern Maine Community College
Semra Kilic-Bahi, Colby-Sawyer College
Noyce at Montclair: Preparing the Effective Elementary Teacher.
Steven Greenstein, Erin Krupa and Trina Wooten, Montclair State University
Research Based Videos for Developing Mathematical Thinking Skills in Proof Writing and Problem Solving.
Jim Sandefur, Georgetown University; Kay Somers, Moravian College; Connie Campbell, Millsaps College
Ithaca College Robert Noyce Teaching Schollarship Program.
David Brown, Michael Rogers, Matthew Price, Aaron Weinberg, Linda Hanrahan,
Marty Alderman and Jim Overhiser, Ithaca College
Mathematics Partnering with Computer Sciences to Improve Calculus Instruction and Learning.
Calvin L. Williams, Marilyn Reba and Roy Pargas, Clemson University
Quantitative and Mathematics Support Centers Workshop to Develop Handbook of Best Practices.
Michael Schuckers and McKayla Nuffer, St. Lawrence University; Grace Coulombe, Bates College;
Mary O'Neill, Hamilton College
Pathways to Calculus: Disseminating and Scaling Precalculus Curriculum and a Professional Development Model for Precalculus Teaching and Learning.
Marilyn Carlson, Arizona State University
PRIME: Preparing Regional Increases in Mathematics Educators.
Teri J. Murphy, Brooke Buckley, Sarah Kasten and Bethany Noblitt, Northern Kentucky University
Delaware State University Scholarships for Teachers in Mathematics and Science.
Rayton Sianjina, Nicola Edwards-Omolewa, Sabrina McGary, Tomasz Smolinski and
Cherese Winstead, Delaward State University
Attracting Liberal Arts STEM Majors to Teaching: Challenges and Success in our Noyce Program.
Catherine A. Roberts, D. Bukatko, B. Bell, D. Bitran, C. A. Roberts and J. Shertzer, College of the Holy Cross
Winthrop Initiative for STEM Educators.
Joseph Rusinko, Beth Costner, Cassandra Bell and Kelly Costner, Winthrop University
Enhancing the 5 YR Math and Science Education Programs at SJU.
Sandra Fillebrown, Tetyana Berezovski, Michael Clapper, Michael McCann and
Karen Snetselaar, St. Joseph's University
The Northeast Tennessee Robert Noyce Scholarhsip Program.
Jeff Knisley, Aimee Govett, Robert Beeler, Daryl Stephens and
Ryan Nivens, East Tennessee State University
Preparing to Train STEM Professionals as Educators.
Mohammed A. Qazi, Carlton Morris, Alicia Curry, Michael Curry, Melvin Gadson, Lauretta Garrett and
Gerald Griffin, Tuskegee University
Distributome: An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probabiliy Distributions.
Kyle Siegrist, University of Alabama in Huntsville; Ivo Dinov, University of Michigan;
Dennis Pearl, The Ohio State University
Columbus Region Academy of Future Teachers of STEM.
Tim Howard, Deborah Gober, Kimberly Shaw and Cindy Ticknow, Columbus State University
Mobile Math Apps.
Doug Ensley and Lea Adams, Shippensburg University; Barbara Kaskosz, University of Rhode Island
Math in the City.
Petronela Radu, Alexandra Seceleanu, Katie Haymaker and Stephen Hartke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Recruiting and Preparing Mathematics Majors for Houstan Area Classrooms.
Timothy A. Redl, Rebecca J. Quander, Nancy A. Leveille, Jacqueline J. Sack and Michael L. Connell, University of Houston - Downton
Mathematical Reasoning and Argumentation: What are the Tripping Points for Mathematics and Non-mathematics Undergraduates?
K. Ann Renninger, D. Abram Lipman and Allison Gantt, Swarthmore College
Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus -- Incorporating the M4C into MathLynx
John A. Velling, Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center; Terrence Blackman, University of Colorado;
Jerald Smith, MathLynx Project
Discovery Learning Projects in Introductory Statistics.
Dianna Spence and Brad Bailey, University of North Georgia
Quantitative Reasonig for Business: an Inquiry Based Approach
Victor Piercey, Ferris State University
Robert Noyce Teacher Academy at the College of Staten Island (CUNY).
Jane Coffee, Irina Lyublinskaya and Susan Sullivan, College of Staten Island (CUNY)
Robert Noyce Program in Mathematics at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.
Thomas Fox and Jana Willis, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Flipping Calculus at the University of Hartford.
John Williams, Mako Haruta, Jean McGivney-Burelle, Ben Pollina, Larissa B. Schroeder and Fei Xue, University of Hartford
Mathematics and Social Advocacy.
Sandra Kingan and Jeff Suzuki, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
Central Washington University Robert Noyce Scholarship Program: Science and Mathematics Alliance for the Retention of Teachers (SMART).
Janet Shiver, Chris Black, Martha Kurtz, Jan Byers-Kirsch and Tim Sorey, Central Washington University
Student Presentations; Engaging Students and "Delivering" Content.
Katie Mawhinney, Appalachian State University
Collaborative Research: Developing Inquiry Oriented Instructional Materials for Linear Algebra.
Megan Wawro, Virginia Tech; Michelle Zandieh, Arizona State University; Chris Rasmussen,
San Diego State University; Christine Andrews-Larson, Florida State University
Should I Unplug?.
Lori Carmack, Salisbury University
Undergraduate Sustainability Experiences in Mathematics.
Benjamin Galluzzo, Shippensburg University; Corrine Taylor, Wellesley College
Collaboration, Observation, and Revision: Lesson Study in Teacher Preparation.
Usha Kotelawala and Robert Graham, Fordham University
Preparing Students for Business, Industry, and Government Careers (Pre-BIG).
Michael Dorff, Brigham Young University; Linda Braddy, MAA; Reza Malek-Madani,
U.S. Naval Academy; Suzanne Weekes, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Revitalizing Complex Analysis at the Undergraduate Level.
Russell Howell, Westmont College; Alan Noel, Oklahoma State University; Paul Zorn, St. Olaf College
Modules for Teaching Statistics with Pedagogies using Active Learning (MTStatPAL).
Tom Cheatham, Nancy McCormick, Scott McDaniel, Ginger Holmes Rowell, Jeremy Strayer,
Natasha Gerstenschlager and Brandon Hanson, Middle Tenessee State University
Mathematics as a First STEP to Success in STEM. Tom Cheatham, Donald Nelson, Elaine Bouldin Tenpenny, Ginger Holmes Rowell,
Chris Stephens, Brittany Smith and Jennifer Yantz, Middle Tenessee State University
Collaborative Research: Linear Algebra in New Environments (LINE).
William O. Martin, North Dakota State University; Laurel Cooley, Brooklyn College, CUNY; Draga Vidakovic, Georgia State University
Hampton University Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program: Advancin a Research Focused Agenda for Pre-Service Math and Biology Teachers.
Carolyn B. Morgan and Clair Berube, Hampton University
Math Images.
Gene Klotz, Swarthmore College
Open the Gate Robert Noyce Teacher Scholars Program.
Ruth Cossey and Steve Luntz, Mills College; Margo McInturff, Montera Middle School, Oakland Unified School Dietrict
Creating Effective Online Homework Problems in Calculus (Using WeBWork).
Paul Seeburger, Monroe Community College
When Zombies Attack: Laboratory Experiences in Mathematical Biology.
Andrea Bruder, B. Kohler, M. Kummel and J. Powell, Colorado College
Playing Games with a Purpose. Shonda R. Kuiper, Grinnell College; Rodney Sturdivant, Billy Kaczynski,
John Jackson and Kevin Cummiskey, United State Military Academy
Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program at California State University, Stanislaus: Teachers from the Valley, for the Valley.
Viji Sundar, California State University-Stanislaus