AMS-MAA Meeting, New Orleans, LA
January, 2007

2007 NSF Poster Session - New Orleans
The National Curve Bank Project: A MATH Archive
Shirley B. Gray, California State University, Los Angeles
Bill Austin, University of Tennessee at Martin
Chris Caldwell, University of Tennessee at Martin
Phillip Johnson, Appalachian State University
Lou Talman, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Bridging the Vector Calculus Gap: Episode II
Tevian Dray, Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University
The PascGalois Project: Visualization in Abstract Mathematics
Michael Bardzell, Kathleen Shannon, Salisbury University
Eirini Poimenidou, New College of Florida
Math Across the Community College Curriculum
Rebecca Hartzler, Seattle Central Community
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University
Christie Gilliland, Green River Community College
Deann Leoni, Edmonds Community College
Patrick Bibby, Miami Dade College
Ruth Collins, Delaware Technical and Community College
Probability and Statistics
Statistics Online Computational Resource for Education
Annie Che Ivo Dinov and Juana Sanchez, UCLA School of Medicine
Adapting and Implementing Guided Discovery Notes in Combinatorics for Large Classes
Mary Flahive, Oregon State University
Center for Data Analysis and Statistics
Rod Sturdivant and Krista Watts, U.S. Military Academy
Classroom Response Systems in Statistics Courses
Teri J. Murphy, Curtis McKnight, Michael Richman
and Robert Terry, University of Oklahoma
CAUSEweb: An Undergraduate Statistics Education Digital Library
Ginger Holmes Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University
Dennis Pearl, The Ohio State University
Roger Woodward, North Carolina State University
The Hybrids: Math in Science Applied Mathematics
Science Learning Community
Mary Kay Abbey, Montgomery College
Paradigms in Physics: Multiple Entry Points
Tevian Dray, Corinne Manogue, Barbara Edwards, David McIntyre
and Emily van Zee, Oregon State University
RUTE: Research for Undergraduates in Theoretical Ecology
Glenn Ledder, Bo Deng, Robert Gibson, Irakli Loladze
and Svata Louda, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Phaser: A Universal Simulator for Dynamical Systems
Huseyin Kocak, Brian Coomes and Burton Rosenberg, University of Miami
Mathematical Methods for Biology and Medicine
Michael Martin, Johnson County Community College
Glenn Ledder, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
UBM: Training Undergraduate Students in Mathematica and Biology at UL Lafayette
& Azmy Ackleh and Susan Mopper, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jacoby Carter, USGS-National Wetlands Research Center
UBM, RUI: Research Focused Learning Communities in Mathematical Biology
Jason Miller, Jon Beck, Michael Kelrick and Laura Fielden-Rechav
Truman State University
Embedding Chemistry Problems in Calculus Courses
George Rublein and Robert Orwell, College of William and Mary
Real World STEM Application Modules
Darren Narayan, Moises Sudit, Paul Tymann, William Basener
and Matthew Coppenbarger, Rochester Institute of Technology
A Biomathematical Learning Enhancement Network for Diversity (BLEND)
Dominic Clemence, Mingxiang Chen, Gregory Goins, Mary Smith, Vinaya Kelkar,
Catherine White, Venkateswarlu Divi, Yohang Li and Gelonia Dent,
North Carolina A & T State University
UBM: Foundation in Mathematical Biology through Interdisciplinary Research, Training, and Curriculum Development
Bala Krishnamoorthy, Richard Gomulkiewicz, Robert Dillon, Judith McDonald,
Martin Morgan and Charlotte Omoto, Washington State University
Interdisciplinary Taining of Undergraduates in Biological and Mathematical Sciences with Emphasis on Marine/Coastal Science
Tor Kwembe, Hyung Cho and Zhenbu Zhang, Jackson State University
Research Experiences in Mathematical Biology
Leslie Wilson, Ann Castlefranco, Steven Robinow and Andrew Taylor
University of Hawaii
Equipment and Modules for a Capstone Course in Applied Mathematics
Dan Goldman, Michael Booty, Bruce Bukiet, Lou Kondic and Michael Siegel
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Analysis of Stress in Biological Systems
Ben Fitzpatrick, Erika Camacho, Wendy Binder, Kam Dahlquist and Gary Kuleck
Loyola Marymount University
Preparing Computational Biologists by Encouraging an Academic Minor
Angelean Hendrix, David Senseman, Dmitry Gokhman, Kay Robbins, James Bower
and Nandini Kannan, University of Texas at San Antonio
UBM: Quantitative Systems Biology
Guillerm Goldsztein, Mark Borodovsky, Leonid Bunimovich and Jung Choi
Georgia Institute of Technology
Renewal of College Algebra at South Dakota State University
Donna Flint, Becky Hunter and Dan Kemp, South Dakota State University
Undergraduate Biomathematical Research Career Initiative at SUNY-Geneseo
Anthony Macula, Christopher Leary, Gregg Hartvigsen and Wendy Pogozelski
SUNY College at Geneseo
UBM: Undergraduate Training in Quantitative Environmental Biology
David Meredith and Edward Connor, San Francisco State University
College Algebra
Collaborative Development of JAVA Laboratories for College Algebra and Trigonometry
Michael E. Mays and Laura Pyzdrowski, West Virginia University
Renewal of College Algebra at South Dakota State University
Donna Flint, Becky Hunter and Dan Kemp, South Dakota State University
Renewal of College Algebra
Norma Agras, Miami Dade College and J. Michael Pearson, MAA
College Algebra in Southeast Louisiana Post Katrina
Randall Wills, Sarah Clifton and Ana Wills, Southeastern Louisiana University
Dynamic Algebra for Technical Students
Solomon Garfunkel, Consortium for Mathematic and Its Applications
Susan Forman, Bronx Community College
College Algebra Reform at HACC
Chris Yarrish and Dan Fahringer, Harrisburg Area Community College
Refocusing College Algebra
Laurette Foster, Prairie View A & M
Don Small, U.S. Military Academy
Teaching College Algebra from a Modeling Perspective
Tracii Friedman and Cathy Bonan-Hamada, Mesa State College
Revitalizing College Algebra at UND
Richard Millspaugh, Michele Liams and Katrina Nagel, University of North Dakota
Florida Southern College: Experiences with Modeling in College Algebra
Susan Serrano, Daniel Jelsovsky and Kenneth henderson, Jr.,
Florida Southern College
College Algebra with Data Analysis
Tina Deemer, Elias Toubassi and Ted Laetsch, University of Arizona
Mathematics Education
PRofessional Enhancement Program (PREP) J. Michael Pearson, MAA
William Haver, Virginia Commonwealth University
Nancy Baxter Hastings, Dickinson College
Nathaniel Dean, Texas Stae University-San Marcos
Jon Scott, Montgomery College
Adapting K-8 Mathematics Curricular Materials fore Pre-Service Teacher Education
Donna Diaz and William Moss, Clemson University
Native American-based Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Mathematics Courses
Charles Funkhouser, University of Montana Missoula
A. Duane Porter, University of Wyoming
Armando Martinez-Cruz, California State University-Fullerton
Miles Pfahl, Turtle Mountain Community College
Transforming Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation
James Curry, Richard McCray, Carl Wieman, Valerie Otero and William Wood
University of Colorado at Boulder
Math Across the Community College Curriculum
Rebecca Hartzler, Seattle Central Community College
Christie Gilliland, Green River Community College
Deann Leoni, Edmonds Community College
Patrick Bibby, Miami Dade College
Ruth Collins, Delaware Technical and Community College
Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators Collaborating on Capstone Courses for Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Richard Hill, Sharon Senk and Natasha Speer, Michigan State University Expansion Project
Solomon Garfunkel, Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
John Stroyls, Georgia Southwestern State University
WorkMAP: Students Mathematical Preparation for Work
Solomon Garfunkel, Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications
Susan Forman, Bronx Community College
Math Question to Engage Students (Math Quest)
Mark Parker, Holly Zullo and Kelly Cline, Carroll College
An Accessible Online Resource for Mathematics Students and Instructors
Lila Roberts, Georgia College and State University
Gloria Reece, Southern College of Optometry
The Next STEP: Integrating STEM Learning Communities
Jason Miller, Maria Nagan and Jennifer Thompson, Truman State University
History Across the Mathematics Curriculum for Preservice Teachers
Gabriela Sanchis, Elizabethtown College
Inquiry Based Learning in Mathematics
Michael Starbird, Edward Odell, Sarah Simmons and Jennifer Smith
The University of Texas at Austin
ESP: Enhancing Secondary Mathematics Teacher Preparation
Beverly K. Michael, Margaret Smith, Ellen Ansel and Paul Gartside
University of Pittsburgh
Native American-based Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Mathematics Courses
Charles Funkhouser, University of Montana Missoula
A. Duane Porter, University of Wyoming
Armando Martinez-Cruz, California State University-Fullerton
Miles Pfahl, Turtle Mountain Community College
Other Topics Including Web-based Learning
Improving Calculus: Developing Concepts Through Good Questions
Maria Terrell, Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Full Realization of Visualization Tools for 3D
Daniel McGee, Univesity of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
David Lomen, University of Arizona
Deborah Moore-Russo, Univesity at Buffalo
Dennis Ebersole, Northampton Community College
Technical Mathematics for Tomorrow: Recommendations and Exemplary Programs
Mary Ann Hovis, Rhodes State College
Robert Kimball, Wake Technical Community College
John Peterson, Retired
Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Original Historical Sources
Jerry Lodder, Guram Bezhanishvili, Hing Leung,
David Pengelley, Desh Ranjan, New Mexico State University
A Motivational Course in Cryptology and Coding Theory
Sarah Spence Adams, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Gordon Prichett, Babson College (temporarily inactive)
Core Mathematics
Alex Heidenberg, Jerry Kobylski and Don Small, U.S. Military Academy
WeBWorK, a Web-based Interactive Homework System
Arnold Pizer, Michael Gage and Vicki Roth, University of Rochester
A Comprehensive WeBWorK Problem Library
John Jones, Arizona State University,Jeff Holt, University of Virginia
Willim Ziemer, California State University, Long Beach
Proof, Functions and Computations: A Web-based Course as a Laboratory for Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Logic, Mathematics and Computer Science
Wilfried Sieg, Joseph Ramsey and Klaus Sutner, Carnegie Mellon University
Enhancing the Teaching of Linear Algebra with Diigital Image Processing
Mohamed Allali, Chapman University