AMS-MAA Meeting, San Diego, CA
January, 2008

2008 NSF Poster Session - San Diego
The National Curve Bank Project: A MATH Archive
Shirley B. Gray, California State University, Los Angeles
Chris Caldwell, University of Tennessee at Martin
Lou Talman, Metropolitan State College of Denver
The PascGalois Project: Visualization in Abstract Mathematics
Michael Bardzell, Kathleen Shannon and Donald Spickler, Salisbury University
Math Across the Community College Curriculum
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins University
Christie Gilliland, Green River Community College
Deann Leoni, Edmonds Community College
Probability and Statistics
Statistics Online Computational Resource for Education
Annie Che, Nicolas Christou, Jenny Cui and Ivo Dinov, UCLA School of Medicine
Classroom Response Systems in Statistics Courses
Teri J. Murphy, Curtis McKnight, Michael Richman
and Robert Terry, University of Oklahoma
Adapting and Implementing Innovative Materials in Statistics Courses (AIMS)
Robert delMas, Joan Garfield and Andrew Zieffler, University of Minnesota
The Hybrids: Math in Science - Applied Mathematics
Note: "UBM" in the title is for Undergraduate Traineeships in Biology and Mathematics, one of the jointly funded NSF programs involving DUE, DMS, and a bio division.
Paradigms in Physics: Multiple Entry Points
Tevian Dray, Corinne Manogue, Barbara Edwards, David McIntyre
and Emily van Zee, Oregon State University
Phaser: A Universal Simulator for Dynamical Systems
Huseyin Kocak, Brian Coomes and Burton Rosenberg, University of Miami
Mathematical Methods for Biology and Medicine UBM: Training Undergraduate Students in Mathematica and Biology at UL Lafayette
Azmy Ackleh and Susan Mopper, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Jacoby Carter, USGS-National Wetlands Research Center
The Next STEP: Integrating STEM Learning Communities
Jason Miller, Maria Nagan and Jennifer Thompson, Truman State University
The STEM Real World Applications Modules Project
Darren Narayan, University of South Carolina, William Basener, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and Moises Sudit, Rochester Institute of Technology
UBM: Foundation in Mathematical Biology through Interdisciplinary Research, Training, and Curriculum Development
Elissa Schwartz, Richard Gomulkiewicz, Robert Dillon, Judith McDonald,
Martin Morgan, Charlotte Omoto and Bala Krishnamoorthy, Washington State University
Interdisciplinary Training of Undergraduates in Biological and Mathematical Sciences with Emphasis Fisheries Stock Assessment
Tor Kwembe and Hyung Cho, Jackson State University
Preparing Computational Biologists by Encouraging an Academic Minor
Dmitry Gokhman, David Senseman, Kay Robbins, James Bower, and Nandini Kannan, University of Texas at San Antonio
Biocalculus: Text Development, Dialog, and Assessment
Yang Kuang, Hal Smith, Carlos Castillo-Chavez, James Elser and John Anderies, Arizona State University
Interdisciplinary Training for Undergraduates in Biological and Matematical Sciences at ASU
Timothy Comar, Lisa Townsley and Brenda Alberico, Benedictine University
Research and Education Program (REP) in Bio Math
Semen Koksal, Richard Sinden, Jewgeni Dshalalow, David Carroll and Robert van Woesik, Florida Institute of Technology
Synthetic Biology Research for Undergraduates (SyBR-U)
Laurie Heyer, Davidson College
Jeffrey Poet, Missouri Western State University
A. Malcolm Campbell, Davidson College
Todd Eckdahl, Missouri Western State University
Developing a Mathematics Curriculum to Serve the Biosciences: The First Step
Sheldon Gordon, John Winn, Matthew Bahamonde, Farmingdale State College
Linda Sabatino and James Fulton, Suffolk County Community College
From ILAP to iLabAP-Linking Investigative Biology Laboratories to the Mathematics Curriculum
Kirk Bartholoomew, Hema Gopalakrishnan, Rose Kinik and Jennifer Mattei, Sacred Heart University
Team Research Training Program in Biology and Mathematics
Edwin Tecarro, Steve London, Youn-Sha Chan, Jeong-Mi Yoon and Aaron Krochmal, University of Houston-Downtown
College Algebra
Renewal of College Algebra
Norma Agras, Miami Dade College and J. Michael Pearson, MAA
Refocusing College Algebra
Laurette Foster, Prairie View A & M University, and Don Small, U.S. Military Academy
College Algebra in Context: A Learner-centered Approach Incorporating Data-driven Activities Related to Social Issues
Michael Catalano, Dakota Wesleyan University
Mathematics Education
PRofessional Enhancement Program (PREP) J. Michael Pearson, MAA
William Haver, Virginia Commonwealth University
Nancy Baxter Hastings, Dickinson College
Nathaniel Dean, Texas Stae University-San Marcos
Jon Scott, Montgomery College
Adapting K-8 Mathematics Curricular Materials fore Pre-Service Teacher Education
William Moss, Clemson University
Transforming Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation
James Curry, Richard McCray, Carl Wieman, Valerie Otero and William Wood
University of Colorado at Boulder
Math Question to Engage Students (Math Quest)
Mark Parker, Holly Zullo and Kelly Cline, Carroll College
The Next STEP: Integrating STEM Learning Communities
Jason Miller, Maria Nagan and Jennifer Thompson, Truman State University
History Across the Mathematics Curriculum for Preservice Teachers
Gabriela Sanchis, Elizabethtown College
CSUMS: Computational Science Training in the Mathematical Sciences
Victor Roytburd, Mark Holmes, Isom Herron, Gregor Kovacic snf Peter Kramer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Integrating Field Trips into Calculus Courses
Despina Prapavessi and Karen Edwards, Diablo Valley College
Quantitative Literacy Across the Curriculum in a Liberal Arts Setting
Semra Kilic-Bahi, Lavonne Batalden and Ben Steele, Colby-Sawyer College
Interdisciplinary Teaching: Using the Study of Sprouts to Teach Mathematics and Science at a Liberal Arts College
Cheri Boyd, Beverly Brown and William Lammela, Nazareth College of Rochester
A Radical Approach to Teaching Object-Oriented Programming
Ann Moskol and Kate Sanders, Rhode Island College
A Model Teacher-Scholar Program in Secondary Mathematics
Saad El-Zanati, Sharon McCrone and Cynthia Langrall, Illinois State University
Mathematics Research Experience for Pre-service and for In-service Teachers
Wendy O'Hanlon and Saad El-Zanati, Illinois State University
Computer Interfaces for Enhancing Viaual Learning for Students and Visual Processing Disabilities
Karen Luxton Gour gey, Annette Gourgey, Baruch College
Steven Landau, Touch Graphics Company
Other Topics Including Web-based Learning
WeBWorK, a Web-based Interactive Homework System
Michael Gage, Arnold Pizer and Vicki Roth, University of Rochester
A Comprehensive WeBWorK Problem Library
John Jones, Arizona State University, Jeff Holt, University of Virginia
Willim Ziemer, California State University, Long Beach
Enhancing the Teaching of Linear Algebra with Digital Image Processing
Mohamed Allali, Chapman University
Collaborative Research: Lessons in Mathematics and Art
Annalisa Crannell, Franklin and Marshall College
Marc Frantz, Indiana University
Technically Speaking
Lew Ludwig, Denison Uiversity
Quantitative Reasoning in the Contemporary World
Bernard Madison, Uiversity of Arkansas
Stuart Boersma, Central Washington Univesity
Caren Diefenderfer, Hollins Uiversity
Shannon Dingman, Uiversity of Arkansas
Long Beach Project in Geometry and Symmetry
Scott Crass and Temma Leiman, California State University-Long Beach
BioGrapher: An Excel Front-End for Computation of Graph Theoretical Properties and Graphical Visualization of Networks
Rama Viswanathan, Han Lai, Hlaing Lin, Khalid Qumsieh and John Jungck, Beloit College
A Phase II Expansion of the Development of a Multidisciplinary Course on Wavelets and Applications
Patrick Van Fleet, University of St. Thomas
Catherine Beneteau, University of South Florida
Caroline Haddad, SUNY Geneseo
David Ruch, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Appropriately Using WeBWork, WebAssign and Maple in Calculus I and II: Preliminary Report
Bryan Dorner, Daniel Heath, Jessica Sklar and Jeffrey Stuart, Pacific Lutheran University